
Keli Fine

Data Associate

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Keli Fine joined Cross Creek in 2021. In her role as Data Associate, Keli works to build upon Cross Creek's existing databases and dashboards to help the team gain insight into portfolio performance, analyze prospective companies and funds, and enhance sourcing efforts using data on Cross Creek’s more than 3,000 unique underlying holdings. Prior to Cross Creek, Keli worked in both the Asset Management and Business Intelligence business segments at Zions Bank. She is a self-taught programmer, mixed martial arts trainee and enjoys dance and boxing.

Keli earned her master's degree in Data Science from Indiana University and holds a bachelor's degree in Psychology from the University of Utah.


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The portfolio companies and funds identified and described herein may not represent all of the portfolio companies and funds purchased, sold or recommended for funds advised by Cross Creek Advisors. Not all acquisitions or IPOs are profitable; the positions can be acquired at a price that is greater or less than the price at which Cross Creek purchased its interest for client accounts. The information is being shown to reflect the firm’s ability to select investments and not to reflect any positive investment experience. The reader should not assume that an investment in the portfolio companies and funds identified was or will be profitable. Company investments less than $500,000 are excluded from this list.